Middle Eastern-inspired, spicy, tender turkey meatballs seasoned with spices like cumin, paprika, jalapeno peppers, garlic, and onions with shredded kale, simmering in a lemon chicken broth and toasted crunchy pine nuts.
Save time in the kitchen: Read the instructions thoroughly, then gather and prep all your ingredients before cooking! Learn Prepping Tips.
Prepare the Pine Nuts: Heat a Dutch oven on low-medium heat with pine nuts, toast them, and set aside. Note: Dutch ovens carry heat very well; do not let the nuts stay in the pot after toasting. They will burn.
Make the Aromatic Paste: Cut the garlic, onion, and jalapeno into large chunks and blend them with the parsley in the food processor.
Make the Meatballs: Add half of the paste into a bowl with the ground turkey, egg, panko, two tablespoons of olive oil, half of the pine nuts, kosher salt, ground black pepper, Shawarma blend, and one tablespoon of the lemon juice. Combine well.
Set the Air Fryer: Preheat the air fryer to 390 °F with a cooking time of 10 minutes.
Cook the Meatballs: While the air fryer is heating, form the meatballs using a medium scoop. One recipe yields 14 to 15 balls. Then, cook the meatballs in the air fryer. While the meatballs cook, make the soup base.
Make the Soup Base: Heat the remaining oil in the Dutch oven on medium heat. Sweat the rest of the aromatic paste with salt and pepper while stirring occasionally for 3 minutes. Add the greens and saute for 1 minute.
Add the broth, cover, and increase the heat to bring it to a simmer; it takes about 8 minutes.
Finish the Soup: While waiting for the soup to simmer, chop extra parsley for garnish and set aside. Reduce the heat, and carefully add the meatballs to the soup. Cover and simmer for another 3 minutes. Then, season with the remaining lemon juice and zest, and taste for salt. It should have a lemony taste. When eating with the meatballs, it will mellow out.